Monday, November 3

striking the right chord!!

How about we start this post with an invocation tune, that is solely of a carnatic genre and contains just three notes, that are of prime importance. Of these, two of the notes are the same, with the only difference being in their octaves. Yes, you might have guessed it by now, these notes are the "sa" "pa" and "sa".

C G C ?
In westerm, yes. that is the equivalent.
You see Ani, i have a "sharp" mind.... "sharp"er than yours. Did you see what i did there? "sharp", western notes... you know, they use it. g-sharp, c-sharp.
Yeah, I am going to consider that your lame joke there, just did not happen a few seconds ago.
you have no sense of humour.
And you have no sense. Now allow me to speak.

In addition to being a writer, I compose music too... right from scratch, and I don't use the automated tunes and tell people that I have composed a piece. Well, it so happened that this thought just struck me, quite recently. I just wanted to let my readers(and others), know what actually happens when you get down to compose a piece and are in progress. But, somewhere down the road, you are bound to get stuck, stronger than any super-glue. You neither get to know the heads nor tails of your composed piece. It is at this moment that you feel the composed bit making absolutely no sense. The chords won't seemt to go in with the tempo, it won't seem to sync in with other instruments and their respective chords. To top it all, things start to get much drearier, albeit you have the neccessary as a software. It's always quite easier when you have an actual band with real people playing real instruments. Composing seems somewhat easier than with an average computer keyboard and mouse. Of course, I don't wish to talk about how difficult composing is for an entire blog post. I just wanted to give you all a head-start and now that has been done, I would like to say just this. Like how all things tough challenge us, the journey is bound to contain "fun".

Yes, it does. And I know it.
I am the creative side remember? So, naturally, it is me who does most of the work while composing.
Combined effort rudha. Combined effort.

Well, it all starts with an idea. A simple idea proliferates into an entire song that usually lasts for about 3:30 or 4:00 minutes. (Atleast, mine does). It begins with something called the base chord. This gives the required base tune to the entire song, while sometimes, when the song in itself is just a backround score, it might repeat the base chord. The base chord doesn't always have to be a melodic tune. Sometimes, even a basic beat or a riff can become the base chord. But, once set, the rest of the composition should sync with the notes in the base chord. If its a base tempo, it should sync in with the beat. These might sound very basic and you are probably at the stage where you think that you already know these. True. Everyone knows this, but very few know how to implement it.

You know Ani, all the songs that are composed have a base chord to them. One simply has to observe them.
Like i didn't know that. All famous musicians have something known as the "layers" of the song. each layer have their own specific characteristic, and they unite to give us an entire melody.
Eventhough songs these days are completely devoid of the term "melody". Ani, if you say that these songs are good, I am disowning you.
Relax. And it is true. Songs these days are bad...(the more perfect word would be"worst"). So, I am going to go with you on that... and you cannot "disown" me stupid.
Although, there are very few songs that I like....
error 404: Rudha not found
Good, now that he's gone. Let's just savour in this moment of bliss and silence.....
Well, I guess i really can't disown you.
You are back..!?
Yeah, apparently, you cannot escape as you please. It seems you need a special permission like a "retarded card" or a "death certificate" to really go out.
Oh! But would you care to explain your bruises?
Well, that was the result of having to wrestle with a bouncer.
A bouncer? There were bouncers at the door? I thought....
Yeah, I did too, but yes they are there in everyone's head. Just one though.
Did you see his name?
His ID read "common sense". He kicked me back in. I tried forcing my way out, but he was too strong. Punched me right in the face and my nose and pushed me back in.
Haha! Um, I mean- you poor thing, I am so sorry. We all missed you while you were...
sssshh! Not one word.
Well, people, this post was not meant to teach you how to compose music, but to simply tell you the basic process in doing it.

Monday, September 15

A status message....

A formal welcome greeting to all followers of my blog.
Am back....! (oooh yeah..!)
No, not now, wait your turn.

So, after what seemed like a gruelling couple of weeks in college, here I am, mindlessly blogging away..! I suppose I shouldn't say "mindlessly" after all... Not with Rudha watching everything happening here...

and you better remember that!

Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a few things that seemed to catch my eye.. things that seemed to instantly earn a "like" eventhough it is, after all just another mundane activity. Now, a common question may arise. Why, of all times, did such common activities seemed to pull me towards them now? The answer is quite simple. In this fast paced world, ruled by smartphones and their slaves (us), we hardly tend to notice such simple things around us. But I was jobless enough to delevope an interest in them.

Wrong! I notice almost everything! You are one weird person.
Yeah right! I know what you notice... That may be another reason why you are Rudha and me, Ani.
Show off!

Things even as simple as that of a water drop dancing on the edge of a tap (ready to make a free fall any moment), is taken for granted. True to the fact that each drop counts, we hardly notice the increase in its rate of flow till the dripping sound intensifies. Everything in this world, has a pattern. And these are small enough to be easily ignored.

whoa! Mathematics..! No way am I coming near that...!
I thought you said "patterns"?

True to the ethics of slavery to a smartphone, I was engrossed texting my friends one fine day, over a popular social networking chat service, when I happen to notice the status messages of a few of my friends change. One or two of these caught my eye and I ended up pondering as to what life really is...

That, Sir, is one brilliant move!
Oh! You are making me blush....!
Ok, now, its getting queer!

A few minutes thus passed and I happen to notice something weird. The statuses were changing quite often and a few even had statuses that countered their friends! Now, almost everyone is a cell-phone addict here and believe me, very few actually stop to notice the status change or to even read what you have entered. It is little things like these that many casually, by-pass in their lives. Of course, no one is going to lose or gain much, even when they neglect such small incidents and occurances in their lives. But, all that I want to say is this. The world around us has to be slowed down every once in a while. Stop, and notice the little things in life around you. Sometimes, it is necessary for our minds to relax a little after a hectic day's work. Who knows what's in store for us... Maybe an important task that failed to make it to our to-do lists, or a brilliant idea that was born just to win the next nobel prize (or any other such awards), might suddenly strike the memory part of our brains.
Or, maybe, such little things would not turn out to be as fruitful as expected but might serve as a perfect time-killer.

You know, I just noticed something....
We are all out of breath-mints...
Yet another reason why I hate you.
This is serious too!
Go do something resourceful..!
Fine. Now, how about I change my status message...? hm...?

Monday, August 11

A content writer....

Before beginning, I would like to say how astonished I am at the response recieved at reviving the blog.

Show off! hmph!

It just goes to show you how fun and amusing it is to actually get to know more about someone's mind. Well, now that it has been inaugrated, I have to ask myself, what's next, before anyone else does.

Show off!! 

Get out  Rudha.
I can't, I am a part of you, and you, mine. we are...
Fine, whatever.

So, as I was saying, there were thoughts whizzing through my head. Not thoughts of this sort, but those much more profound, deeper with essence, meaning and life.

Hm...Philosphical..... I will keep that in mind... 
profound, deeper with essence, meaning and life... hm...

Then, it just struck me. I could write something more about my internship as a content writer, owing to the various questions asked by my relatives as to what exactly I do. In short, to put it in words simpler than peeling a banana, as a content writer, one has to compile articles.

Bananas!! I love bananas!! Let's go bananas!

Articles maybe based on any given topic or a topic that the writer has chosen. Sometimes, he/she is asked to think on any topic and compile an article not shorter than 800 words or three whole paragraphs. I belong more to the second category. To be honest, it is always easier said than done. Putting my butt to the seat and typing every word and weaving them into a paragraph that is perfectly cohesive and coherent, is definitely not a walk in a park.

And to say that it is I who does most of the work... Tch! Tch!!
One word, two letters, NO!

In addition to taking care of the grammer, I also have to make sure that the meaning and the particular infornation, is conveyed to the readers, or my article will simply go down the hill, eventhough I had started it on a perfect note. One of the most important things however, is in choosing the topic. It should be chosen in such a way so as to satisfy the hunger of the critics, who in this case, are the readers-You.

"Satisfy the hunger". Rings a bell?! 

Also, the most important thing that a writer has to take care of is to make sure that his work is truly his own and not the work of another writer. A writer should make sure that he/she never takes credit for the work of another person copied intentionally.

Its called plagiarism dude!
Like I didn't know that!
Of course you did! I was just showing off...
Show off!
Tit for tat?

Plagiarism is actually a recognised and a  very serious crime that a writer can commit. Adding fuel to the fire, there are now various softwares which can easily detect whether the piece that you have compiled is an original or not within a click of a button.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I copied yours and I failed too...

To crop it short, my job as a content writer is quite demanding and this is exactly what I do when I dont have much college work to do.

college...! You know, when students say that they miss college or school, they really mean the "fun" they have and not really the lessons or the teachers. 
You don'y say! Where did you copy it from? Facebook? Oh the irony! And for the record Rudha, that was totally off the charts. Totally off topic, why did you even say it now?
That's me! I am after all your other side...

Well, I just remembered that I had to post a few more before the deadline given! An assignment it is then!
Don't worry Ani, I have it all planned out.
Why do I find it difficult to trust you?