Tuesday, May 17

The empty text boxes at the bottom

Hello everyone!
 This is simply a small announcement I would like to make regarding this blog. A few changes are in the pipeline and I am also planning to introduce a new feature- posts about the latest tech news and a few reactions pertaining to that. I am yet to make up my mind on this one and this might take a while to actually put into practice. I am yet to decide on the day of the week that these posts will be published on every week or two weeks.

Like I said, wavering thoughts.

 Well, the main reason for this short post is to raise awareness about a certain feature found in almost all the websites now-a-days. It looks like a text box, and is usually found at the bottom of every article or post. Using that and replying to that leads to the creation of what nerds would love to call "threads" or "comment threads". It doesn't usually require people to log into their account to access this feature, but if it does, I kindly request you to do that. This feature is called the "comments section" or as called in my blog "feedback/comments".

If you observe closely, you can actually notice Ani literally pleading for you all to use it. But joke's apart, use them people. As much as I(we) appreciate you all giving me a feedback or appreciating my work through whatsapp and twitter texts, I(we) would love it if the same happened via comments instead of through watsapp, twitter or other such platforms. 
Yes! It can be anything. If you like my way of writing, or if you dislike it and are plotting to murder me in my bed, if you hate the way I look at things or my point of views (POVs), if you love the feature of the two-minds on which this blog is based on, if you find an error in a recent post, be it grammatical or factual, or if you would like to add something to my post ( a fact that I might have missed out, probably because I was unaware of it) or if you would like me to change something about this blog- Do so via the comment section.

The features mentioned above that are in the pipeline would depend on the comments I get. Do you want that to happen? Let me know what you all think in the comments.

Post your views so I would at least feel that this blog is alive in a literal manner. I don't want mute readers. I want critics and reactions. Speaking of which, there is also a feature termed "reactions" with a number of check boxes in a straight line at the bottom of each post. Check the required after reading my post. I am trying to maximize the posts in this blog- trying to make it regular, at least not daily. I also want to increase the page views and the viewers of my blog. So, if you like it, try mentioning it to your known acquaintances, friends, etc.
Thank you for spending your time reading this post and I appreciate the support.

Lessons from another world: 5 senses

Rudha speaks

A 'hiatus', as mentioned earlier is something like a break from a daily routine. There are actually various words that closely resemble its actual meaning. However, I must tell you that is not to be confused with the word 'sabbatical'; it is used more formally. You can imagine both these words resembling us- Ani and myself. As much as I hate it when he calls me a 'crazy troll', I should agree with him on one point- he is definitely less than half crazy as I am. So, sabbatical is a more polished, formal and an elite type of a hiatus, but enough of that for now. I don't want to wander off to distant lands where people speak the unknown literary tongue mastered by the masters of literature and poetry themselves- then I have to call Ani, and I don't want that to happen. 
(Oh and let's just keep this to ourselves, but I have helped him one too many times when it comes to creating sentences that stuns it's readers and make them seriously applaud his vocabulary and the command he has over the language, but try telling this to him and he downright refuses. The blush on his face speaks for itself, though. On a rather hopeful note, I do believe that I have managed to actually bring about the aforementioned feeling when you read my posts now, haven't I? Eh..? Alright, forget it and let's just move on.)

People on a long break are generally of two types. There is the group that always makes sure that most of the activities on their bucket-list are struck off and then there is the group that actually sits down to compile their list often drifting off to a utopian world where all of their dreams turn to reality and thus exhausting most of their break. I, belong to the second category, but with a twist to the tale. I happen to observe quite a lot of things with the time that I got. While surfing the internet, I happen to come across posts like the one above. Yes. Humans are extraordinary creatures. Posts like these actually make me think if God really created humans for a purpose or just to entertain themselves when they are bored, like the one below.
Well, God sure seems to have His priorities set straight...! If that isn't the case and if the real situation here is the fact that humans have actually learned to believe in God in a different way, mirroring the modern trends, then I call it 100% crazy- and I like it. 
I mean, even I dream of a perfect physique, so why should the laws be any different? (Just saying).
But again, I must stress upon the fact that we do tend to get bored rather easily. It's as easy as eating a cake. We, however have the intelligence to actually learn quite a lot of things from the animal world. Parenting for example, is done much better by creatures with 5 senses than the Homo-sapiens. Its the consistency that I am talking about over here. If a gorilla takes care of her young by constantly keeping the little one in close proximity, then I say that you can find the same pattern throughout the troop ( a troop is a group/family of Gorillas). 

We, on the other hand have started a few things like day-care centers which is nothing but an arbitrary, paid foster home for our kids. Sooner or later we are going to come across an article that tells the story of how a mother happened to finally find her kid hidden in the closet while playing hide 'n' seek after 7 whole years ( exaggeration, I know...!). Sure, I would award that kid the champion of stealth, hiding and the winner of the hide 'n' seek game, but imagine the conversation that would ensue :-
Mom: My son! Where have you been? Oh lord! Thank you! *tears in her eyes*
Son:  Stop it woman! Who are you? You do look familiar, yes. But do meet my imaginary friend who has been giving me company all these years..! 

Alright, I agree. The above scenario might not happen. Still, all I am saying is that we are losing that precious feature of communication that is bestowed only upon us and not to any other creature in this planet- at least, not through words. Communication is something that is unique to humans and by things like these, well, we are simply losing the grip on it. Then again, I would also argue that our priorities have changed dramatically since evolution from apes. I mean, where have you seen an ape slogging it's life in front of a computer screen typing in lines of code and debugging it, only to achieve an even more number of errors? That amazing job, my friends, can only be done by trained, evolved beings called humans. Apart from parenting, I did come across a few amazing posts that really made me think. One of them was this- 

That tortoise, is wiser than the wisest man on Earth! Though I came across more than two dozen posts like these, I am afraid I cannot share everything with you all- apologies for that. With that, I would like to say this to all of you- Look out and observe. In fact, quite a lot of technological and scientific inventions have been inspired from nature and animals. It's not like there is a law that bans us from imitating nature- that would be too tough on us. This imitation game is called by a special technical term- Bio Mimicry ( A common example would be an aircraft, inspired by the birds). As a concluding statement, I would like to say this. 
The more you debug a program, the more errors you are bound to meet. Quit the job already... !
Ha! You heard it first from rudha!

Thursday, May 12

A hiatus with a mind of it's own

Do you know how difficult it is to start a post in my blog after an extremely long period of absence? Do you know how it feels when I have to think on how to start each post on a bright note in spite of a hiatus as long as Tamil soap operas?

Believe me, they are long! But putting that aside for the moment, since when did you start calling your "hobby" of  "blogging" a 'hiatus'? Because the last time I checked the dictionary, it refers to a long gap usually to someone's 'habitual activity'.
Hush! Stop saying things that are meant to be kept to ourselves out loud! You are ruining my... sorry, 'our' image!
Uh, hey chuckle-head..! You are blowing your own cover. You just did. The readers are still here!

Oh! Uh... Anyway, as I was saying, you really don't know how difficult it is to simply put my bottom to the chair and start typing stuff of no particular genre. No. I don't want to be the usual blogger who gives you traditional posts relating to their mundane lives. Humph..!That's too easy!

Really..? So, can you do that?
Ha! It's not a question of  'can'. I believe I have the ability to do so. Its just a question of  'would I do it', a probability. A probability that I definitely won't. You see, I want to give our readers something different. Something that cannot really be put into any particular genre, but is actually a mix of everything under the roof.
Sounds good! Count me in pal..!
Wow! You are dumber than I thought. You are already a part of it.

Well, till now, I have managed to skillfully avoid the reason for my unannounced absence. I mean, I did say that I would continue posting once I settle down at my new place. Well, things don't always go as planned, now do they? I managed to move into a house big enough to accommodate my things, but was unfortunately under the mercy of... well let's just say less flexible people and everything went downhill from there.
It was this small inevitable, yet unnecessary deviation that cost me the loss of all these days. Completely locked out of the world of internet, I wasn't able to post anything naturally. Now that I have settled down for what I hope is the last time for the next few years, I have managed to recollect the weird, yet strange topics that often go unnoticed in everyone's monotonous, robotic lives. I (we), want to simply say that an absence of this scale won't ever happen anytime in the known future. However, rather than ending this comeback post on a rather melancholy and apologetic note, I(we) would like to say that there is quite a lot in store that can be expected in my forthcoming posts. There may be slight modifications to my posts henceforth, but they will be clearly noticeable. So, on that note that I hope should have piqued and kindled your inner demon, I sign off for now....