Wednesday, September 21

...And tomorrow never did come!

Yeah, you read it right. Tomorrow never did come. And it possibly never will (Or has it?). It is at times like these that I begin to doubt my sheer existence. The instant I decide to start doing something a minute later than the actual planned time, I end up with an unfinished task and a feeling of guilt in my mind- or is it my heart… I am not sure. I eventually feel the guilt dispersing throughout my body like an acrid gas filling an entire room within seconds of gaining its freedom from a container.  The task at hand, however, remains as such. A “minute later” turns to “fifteen minutes” that turns to “half an hour” and somehow reshapes to “an hour” and before I know it, voila! The starting time flies beyond reach.

This has happened one too many times.
Hey, come to think of it. You (not me) decided to blog this a week back didn’t you?
Ah, apparently, yes. And that time never came. That “task” never happened, thanks to you.
Oh! So now you fancy playing the blame game eh? How am I responsible for what happened-or what didn’t happen in this case?
Alright. Let me put this in a broader perspective for you. The moment I decided to put my bottom on the chair and finally blog the pending posts saved as draft, who was the one who diverted me into watching YouTube videos of drone technology?
Well, that was informative right? I was trying to educate you, broaden your knowledge!
If you had stayed on with that video, I would have gladly agreed to what you are saying. But then you HAD to jump to watching videos that showed how often cows farted. Seriously, how is that educational?
Next time you stand beside a cow, you will know when to move away.
Thank me later.
*Sigh*. It’s tough talking with that guy. I am pretty sure that I am not alone and the fact that a majority of the people suffer from something I call “habitual procrastination” puts a broad smile on my face that lasts for a full minute or two. It IS true. Admit it, you SHOULD have, nay MUST have put off some task for a later time and then got yourself completely engrossed in doing something completely unrelated to the task at hand.  There are some phrases that have such deep meanings, I often wonder if the person who first came up with that actually experienced it in real life. One such phrase is this- “Time and Tide wait for none”. Yes, I had used this in my previous post and as this is its continuation, I would love to stress upon this yet again. I wonder sometimes as to HOW LONG the particular person took to come up with a phrase such as this…
And now we interrupt this program to bring you something extremely enlightening-

Time and Tide wait for none
    That’s what they said in days of yore son,
               So complete your tasks and say that you are done
Even if they weigh a ton.
I know that it’s no fun,
     They are almost upon you, you can’t run!
Do that task and your future becomes bright as the sun,
       Japan’s currency is Yen… (What…?)
As you can see here, I am not trying to make a pun,
It should be pretty obvious,
           That I am running out of words to rhyme.
I should confess that I am no poet,
  If you observe I only try to make the last words rhyme.
By this point if you are still reading,
      You should have realized that these are just paragraphs,
Split in a “poetic” way.
I am not even sure if I can use “ ” in a poem,
        And now I have stalled and can’t think anymore.
Oh god! Save me from this wrath,
I seem to have been caught in a loop!
Roses are red,
Violets are red,
Grass is red, flowers are red,
Everything’s dead,
Oh god! My garden is on fire!
    I am going to have to end this now,
     Because this just doesn’t make any sense any more.

P.S- No. I haven’t watched videos of cows farting. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure if there were videos that showed cows doing it, until I searched the net. Hmm… The results I got were pretty convincing. I also happened to find an article and a video embedded into it that showed how a cow farted and burned the entire barn down. I wouldn’t suggest you to watch that, because one thing is for sure. The internet is a weird place.

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