Thursday, May 12

A hiatus with a mind of it's own

Do you know how difficult it is to start a post in my blog after an extremely long period of absence? Do you know how it feels when I have to think on how to start each post on a bright note in spite of a hiatus as long as Tamil soap operas?

Believe me, they are long! But putting that aside for the moment, since when did you start calling your "hobby" of  "blogging" a 'hiatus'? Because the last time I checked the dictionary, it refers to a long gap usually to someone's 'habitual activity'.
Hush! Stop saying things that are meant to be kept to ourselves out loud! You are ruining my... sorry, 'our' image!
Uh, hey chuckle-head..! You are blowing your own cover. You just did. The readers are still here!

Oh! Uh... Anyway, as I was saying, you really don't know how difficult it is to simply put my bottom to the chair and start typing stuff of no particular genre. No. I don't want to be the usual blogger who gives you traditional posts relating to their mundane lives. Humph..!That's too easy!

Really..? So, can you do that?
Ha! It's not a question of  'can'. I believe I have the ability to do so. Its just a question of  'would I do it', a probability. A probability that I definitely won't. You see, I want to give our readers something different. Something that cannot really be put into any particular genre, but is actually a mix of everything under the roof.
Sounds good! Count me in pal..!
Wow! You are dumber than I thought. You are already a part of it.

Well, till now, I have managed to skillfully avoid the reason for my unannounced absence. I mean, I did say that I would continue posting once I settle down at my new place. Well, things don't always go as planned, now do they? I managed to move into a house big enough to accommodate my things, but was unfortunately under the mercy of... well let's just say less flexible people and everything went downhill from there.
It was this small inevitable, yet unnecessary deviation that cost me the loss of all these days. Completely locked out of the world of internet, I wasn't able to post anything naturally. Now that I have settled down for what I hope is the last time for the next few years, I have managed to recollect the weird, yet strange topics that often go unnoticed in everyone's monotonous, robotic lives. I (we), want to simply say that an absence of this scale won't ever happen anytime in the known future. However, rather than ending this comeback post on a rather melancholy and apologetic note, I(we) would like to say that there is quite a lot in store that can be expected in my forthcoming posts. There may be slight modifications to my posts henceforth, but they will be clearly noticeable. So, on that note that I hope should have piqued and kindled your inner demon, I sign off for now....


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