Saturday, July 23

An announcement...!

Hello everyone! 
After months of thinking it through, I have finally decided to introduce a new feature in this blog. 
(I had talked about this in my previous post, so do check it out.) 
Henceforth, I will also be posting content related to 'tech&gizmos', but only on Fridays. The content will include reviews of the latest gadgets and gizmos, news pertaining to information and technology and maybe even some videos. Initially, I have planned on doing this every week on friday and see where it takes me and how much traffic these posts garner. Well, the actual plan was to create an entirely new website solely dedicated for posts of the above mentioned genre- like a tech blog- but then I decided to start small...
Also, I have planned on expanding the views on my blog, increase the traffic and eventually the number of readers. A good friend of mine suggested that I move my blog from the 'blogspot' domain to the 'wordpress' domain claiming that the latter is more versatile and user friendly. Well, thank you for the suggestion made and know that it has duly been noted, but for now, I am going to focus on turning up the heat in this blog and excecute the above mentioned in a near-perfect manner. Let me do that first and then I will think about it. And as always, let me know what you guys think about introducing this new feature in the comments section.
Hope everyone's on board.

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